Written by Candace Maxymowich of Winnipeg, Manitoba
Holidays put our focus on giving. During Easter we give chocolate and make fancy dinners for family and friends. On Thanksgiving we visit soup kitchens and in December shower our loved ones with gifts on Christmas morning. We make year-end donations to food banks, or give an extra boost to charities. Everyone feels good about his or her generosity and good deeds.
Although being generous is great, it begs the question, “Shouldn’t Christmas be different than other holidays?”
During this time of year I’m reminded how our culture impacts our thinking and way of living. When I was a kid, the first thing I wanted to do in December was make a list of what I wanted to get – not give. As we grow older it can be hard to be generous, especially if we’re struggling to make ends meet. At times, as young adults we can barely take care of personal financial responsibilities, so the notion that we are going to be generous with our time and resources can be a stretch. Yet, Jesus calls us to live with astonishingly generosity.
Generosity is not only a strategy for adding kindness to the world. It’s a strategy for transforming the world.
It’s a strategy for a revolution! Our generosity reminds people of God’s generosity. While often we define generosity in material terms, our generous forgiveness of those who fail us, generous giving of our love and time to those in need, generous kindness to those who are struggling, and generous welcome of those who are without a place in this world are a reflection of God’s love for us all.At Christmas, agencies that reach out
At Christmas, agencies that reach out into the community see an influx of money and help; however, our generosity should not just be for one season or month of the year. The spirit of generosity should permeate all our lives, all the time. As the New Year unfolds, let’s build on a solid foundation of generosity. Let’s start a revolution!
Do you struggle with the inner battle of being a vessel or a channel of His blessing? How generous is your lifestyle? Do others see that you’re ready to share with anyone in need? Or are you only generous when it’s socially encouraged? We can’t change what we have or haven’t done this past year, but what can we do to extend generosity past the giving season?