Our Summer 2022 issue features: a profile of singer songwriter Kylie Berry and her story of learning to worship instead of building her own fame; practical tips for financial security in changing times; and an interview with varsity volleyball player and Onside Athletics recreation manager Lisa Wedel on how sports ministry impacts communities. We’re also introducing several new columns, including “Making love matter(s)” on sexuality and relationships and “Behind the screens,” a column all about film and understanding our faith as it relates to pop culture.
Click a headline below to read that article or poem (note that some content is only available in print). You can get all these articles and more by starting a print subscription—free to Canadian addresses.
In our community
And yet more blessed by Riley Trithardt (PRINT ONLY)
Saturated by our surroundings by Sue Russell
Viewing self-care through a team mindset by Cindy Palin
Shifting the weight by Laura Puiras
Onwards and upwards by Francis Kalamba (PRINT ONLY)
Compassion: Winning in more ways than one by Rayo Adegoke
Does God give us more than we can handle? by Brenna Covelens (PRINT ONLY)
Beauty that disarms by Ivanka Galadza
Learning in leadership: A hero who can save the day by Shawn Naylor
Commenting on culture
Finer strokes: Malik Dieleman on photography and navigating art school by Josh Tiessen
Making love matter(s): Safe sex by Bonnie Pue
Body and soul: When God says “no” to healing by J.M. Bergman
Digging deeper: A parabolic approach to social media by Josiah Piett
Church of many cultures: Open heavens by Andrea Nwabuike
Love Is Moving Interview: Lisa Wedel on why sports ministry matters
Performance to praise by Robbie Down
Financial security in changing times by Mike Crofts
Reviews and lifestyle
Behind the screens: Campfires and our Creator by Adam Kline
Sightlines, Elliot Morris; music review by Robbie Down (PRINT ONLY)
Posting peace: why social media divides us and what we can do about it, Douglas S. Bursch; book review by Ilana Reimer (PRINT ONLY)
A gentle answer: Our ‘secret weapon’ in an age of us against them, Scott Sauls; book review by Ruth Marie Patterson (PRINT ONLY)
The whole life: 52 weeks of biblical self-care, Eliza Huie and Esther Smith; book review by Ruth Marie Patterson (PRINT ONLY)
Staff picks: Check each issue to see what the Love Is Moving team has been reading and listening to (PRINT ONLY)