Enjoy a vivid, beautiful new issue filled with hopeful imaginings and redemptive longings for God’s kingdom to come, on earth as it is in heaven. You can expect to find stories of churches, communities, and individual Jesus followers who are both building shalom here and now and sustaining hope for what’s to come.
In “Bible studies in deep space” Elizabeth Duarte writes about how an online gaming community can be a kind of church. This issue’s interview is with Ekstasis editor Conor Sweetman, who talks about sustaining the work of Christian artists. You can also find a new “Church of many cultures” column on healing and racial trauma and an essay on the role artists play in befriending those who doubt.
In our cover story, “Restless technology and the eternal rest,” Andrew Noble reflects on how innovation and social media impact our well-being. He reminds us that innovation isn’t something to be feared because God is creator of all. Even in heaven, technology will exist, but it will be illuminated by God’s glory.
Click a headline below to read that article or poem (note that some content is only available in print). You can get all these articles and more by starting a print subscription—free to Canadian addresses.
In our community
Image of infinity by K. A. R. (PRINT ONLY)
Bible studies in deep space by Elizabeth Duarte
Encountering Revelation by Caleb Unrau (PRINT ONLY)
Peace is in our hands by Leah Reimer
Pericardium by Ray Rink (PRINT ONLY)
Why does failure have to part of leadership? by Shawn Naylor
Finding hope in the desert by Tara Joi C. S. (ONLINE ONLY)
A foretaste of heaven by Joshua Belter (ONLINE ONLY)
Grief and kingdom of God by Axel Schoeber (ONLINE ONLY)
Whispers of God by Cindy Palin (ONLINE ONLY)
Commenting on culture
Finer strokes: Wisdom in a technocratic age by Josh Tiessen
Making love matter(s): Peace for women and girls by Bonnie Pue
Body and soul: Rethinking definitions of intelligence by J.M. Bergman
Digging deeper: On feeling stuck by Josiah Piett
Church of many culture: Hope and healing in the face of racial trauma by Andrea Nwabuike
Love Is Moving interview: Creating a digital cathedral with Conor Sweetman
Restless technology and eternal rest by Andrew Noble
Unexpected stories of adoption by Preston Pouteaux
Art, deconstruction, and Evangelicals by Ruth Chan
Letting go of our kingdoms by Joel Zantingh (ONLINE ONLY)
Reviews and lifestyle
Behind the screens: Show, don’t (just) tell by Steve Norton
Music review: Sorrow’s Got a Hold On Me, Paul Zach; by Robbie Down (PRINT ONLY)
Book review: The forgotten Memories of Vera Glass, Anna Priemaza; by Layton MacCabe (PRINT ONLY)
Book review: A God Named Josh, Jared Brock; by Ruth Marie Paterson (ONLINE ONLY)
Staff picks: Check each issue to see what the Love Is Moving team has been reading and listening to (PRINT ONLY)