In this issue, Making love matter(s) columnist Bonnie Pue digs deeper into meaningful relationships and Stephanie Massicotte tackles the difficult topic of how Christians can walk alongside people identifying as LGBTQ. You will find Christmas gift ideas from our list of ethical and sustainable Canadian stores, and several other articles that explore the larger purpose behind the Body of Christ and how the Church, though flawed, is beautiful and needs to be cared for.
Click a headline below to read that article or poem (note that some content is only available in print). You can get all these articles and more by starting a print subscription—free to Canadian addresses.
In our community
Sewing blankets and singing the Messiah by Jasmine Wiens
The happiest place on Earth by Jesse Kane (PRINT ONLY)
Looking for ethical and sustainable Christmas gifts?
Home sweet home by Elizabeth Duarte
Hope in a telescope by Abby Ciona (PRINT ONLY)
Preserving in faith by Rayo Adegoke
Food to friendship by Karla Hein
Mystery leads to liturgy by Taeryn Novak
Creativity nurtured in community by Shawn Naylor
Celebrating communion as a community by Matt V. Unger (ONLINE ONLY)
Presence matters by Emily Montesano (ONLINE ONLY)
Worshipping with our bodies by Bethany Brown (ONLINE ONLY)
Commenting on culture
Finer strokes: Becoming a patron of the arts by Josh Tiessen
Making love matter(s): Marriage material by Bonnie Pue
Body and soul: The bittersweet response to suffering by J.M. Bergman
Digging deeper: A holy-ish tension by Josiah Piett
Church of many cultures: Developing a right view of race by Andrea Nwabuike
Love is Moving Interview: Jervis Djokoto on musical worship and being vessels of renewal
Beyond polarization about women in the Church by Dagmar Morgan-Sinclair
Eyes to see the abundance of reality by Finney Premkumar
Loving our LGBTQ neighbours by Stephanie Massicotte
Reviews and lifestyle
Behind the screens: Cracks and curiosity in the magic kingdom by Steve Norton
Hymns & Soul, the Complete Journal, Mark Barlow; music review by Robbie Down (PRINT ONLY)
Let Be What Is: Poetry on the Ways God Breaks, Heals, and Shapes Us, Anna Michal; book review by Ruth Marie Paterson (PRINT ONLY)
Red Stuff, Mike Bonikowsky; book review by Ruth Marie Patterson (PRINT ONLY)
All Things New: Essays on Christianity, culture & the arts, Jeremy W. Johnston; book review by Phil Cotnoir (PRINT ONLY)
Staff picks: Check each issue to see what the Love Is Moving team has been reading and listening to (PRINT ONLY)