On Mission with Compassion Canada
This series shares stories about youth discovering our role in God’s story and taking action through the ministry of Compassion Canada. God’s story is one of redemption for the brokenness in our world! May these stories inspire you to think about your role and encourage you along your journey.
Written by Alyssa Esparaz from Pickering, ON
Cassidy & Kennedy’s Story
Sisters Cassidy and Kennedy had their perspective on poverty totally changed when they travelled to Guatemala in April 2016. Cassidy had the opportunity to meet her Compassion sponsor child, Edwin Alexander.
“Meeting the people and putting a face to poverty really impacted us on a personal level,” says Cassidy. “It makes you feel like you have a personal connection. They have a story, they have dreams, they have a future just like the rest of us.”
The impact that the staff and volunteers at the Compassion Centre have on the Compassion kids stood out to Cassidy and Kennedy. Kennedy says she was incredibly inspired by how involved the Compassion staff are in the children’s lives.
“They really are making a difference in those children, and their families. These families are coming to Christ through the children, and because of the [loving] volunteers. It was just really humbling, and a really life-changing experience to see their love for Jesus and the way they serve Him in everything they do.”
Cassidy was encouraged to see Compassion staff serve as role models in Edwin Alexander’s life, especially since both his parents are not in his life.
“He was there with his aunt and the correspondence director, Nehemías, from his [Compassion] centre. Because he was an older male, to see the role that Nehemías was playing in Edwin’s life was really encouraging.”
Back home, the girls say that the experience has really stuck with them.
“It really changed my perspective on my life here in Canada and helped to involve me in my faith,” says Kennedy.
The girls were also encouraged by their own community’s response when they shared about their experience.
“It’s been nice to share with others and see how others have an interest in Compassion and learning about poverty,” says Cassidy. Cassidy works at a daycare and gathered supplies to bring with her to Guatemala with her daycare kids. It was a great opportunity for even young toddlers to connect with her experience in Guatemala. “They still talk to me about it,” she laughs, saying that they talk about wanting to go to Guatemala with her and play with the kids.
Cassidy encourages other young people who want to do something in the fight against poverty: Cassidy says, “Don’t see these big things that you can’t do, start small. When I first decided to sponsor Edwin, I didn’t think that I would meet him, but you just start off small and see where it goes.”
“There are tremendous hurdles in this life,” says Kennedy, “but just start small, and every little step is moving forward and moving in a positive direction. If there are many of us with a similar mindset, then it’ll help us move forward and the problems won’t look so large.”