Welcome to Issue 57, where many of our articles reflect on our call to be the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world,” as Jesus says in Matthew 5.
When he says an important part of our identity is giving “light to everyone in the house,” what does that mean for how we live today?
Many of our writers in Issue 57 connect this calling with examples of loving our neighbour. You’ll read encouraging examples of writing to inmates (Remembering Our Imprisoned Neighbours), baking bread to give away (The Gift of a Loaf of Bread) and providing and receiving spiritual care (Life Arises From Spiritual Care).
Caring for others can seem difficult from the outside, or like an activity reserved only for super saints. But our writers remind us that a Christian’s job is less about building spiritual muscles out of grit and willpower and more about getting out of the way so God can do miraculous work beyond what seems natural to us (Mystery Boxes: When Neighbours Open Doors).
When we feel stuck on how badly we’re responding to God’s call, we can take courage that “Our job is to love Christ, follow and obey him. As you pursue Christ, your actions will follow” (What Does Holy Sexuality Mean?).
Our job is to align ourselves with our maker as best we can, which often translates into showing up for others (Bringing Neighbours Together: An Interview With Jesse Kane). It also helps to focus on prayer and picking one small thing to do (Christian Compassion in the Face of Numbingly Bad News).
It’s definitely not about comparing who’s winning the Christian kindness Olympics. “God doesn’t need our good works, and we do not need any reward from our good works because our Father has already given us everything in Christ. But our neighbours do need our care and support” (The Outward Bend of Faithfulness).
As usual, you can find all the content in this issue here as it is released, and we’d love to hear from you. Our team at Love Is Moving is going through some changes this fall. Longtime editor Ilana Reimer has left us for a new position elsewhere—we’re thrilled for her, but sad for ourselves. This issue, although one where she commissioned the articles and edited many, comes to you polished up by others.
We’re not sure yet how these staffing changes will affect Love Is Moving after Issue 57, so if you’ve got ideas now is the time to share them with us!
May God bless you as you read!
Bill Fledderus, editorial consultant
Window photo by Lidia Nikole on Unsplash