Written by Cassandra Wolfe
Like a mighty storm, stir within my soul!
I recognize my own inner voice crying out to Jesus to stir within my soul as I awake from sleep in the morning. I surrender. I wanna know you, Lord. Hillsong’s lyrics echo my heart perfectly.
I’ve set an intentional goal for myself in the morning—to pick up my Bible before I pick up my phone. Sometimes it happens. Sometimes, the first thing I do in the morning is open the Word of God, the Word that went before me, that holds absolute Truth, and that wants to change me.
Other times it doesn’t, and I reach for my phone instead, and, before I know it, I’m mindlessly scrolling on Instagram, thumb to the screen and taking in photo after photo as though that could be more important than taking in the doctrine of my God.
Whether I know it or not, I’m absorbing these photos, and have images and new truths about what my body should look like, what my time should be filled with, and what my mind should be set on.
And from what source?
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. ROMANS 12:2
When I come under the posts of peers as if they are truth, and actually give them first priority in my day, I’ve realized, I’m exposing myself to shame, comparison, and lies.
It’s like I cut off the Holy Spirit as He is stirring within my soul, wanting to break in me and make me dance in praise of Him, and said, Nah, I’m gonna look to the world instead. This is my conviction.
Equally, I know that I am in the world while I am not of it. And being in it means recognizing that Jesus also is in technology. He’s moving in it, transforming lives through it, and using it for His glory.
I’ve witnessed that life-change, as I met my dear friend Josee through the Internet, and it is my dear friend Josee who called me over a year ago with a prayer on her heart that Jesus used to save my life.
I’ve had conversations with people through social media about the eating disorder I’ve overcome through Christ that would not have been possible without blogs and media outlets that God used as a tool.
I’ve learned so much from fellow bloggers, and from articles about the Word; gained access to podcasts and sermons I never would have before; and been granted job opportunities, such as in writing, that allow me to use my giftings to serve God.
So, while I could give technology the power to shut down my reception to Jesus, I can instead recognize the possibility of that, but allow Him to use me through it. When I give it to Him, I’m not mindlessly scrolling or consumed or vegging on social media. But I’m aware of that Spirit-stirring that is light in a place that could otherwise only be dark.
And because the light is Him, it starts with Him. So, I think I’ll start with Him, too, and still pick up my Bible first thing—better yet, I’ll talk to Him, too.