Psalm 51:10

Written by Daniel Suter

Pierce the pericardium,
this double-layered membrane
that holds my heart together,
this skin-bag 
in which my core
seems to have been
like broccoli in a shopping bag
two weeks later now rotting

Renovate all four chambers,
repaint the muscle walls
with bright colours 
and if you need to
bring in a whole crew
to remodel every corner

Remold these 425 grams,
this mushy mass,
like play-dough in your hands
shape it in your image
according to your likeness
form this mess that you delight in
into something you take pride in

Stop the beat, sack the DJ
and rearrange the expansions and contractions
into a rhythm that is pleasing
let this metronome move 
to your drum alone 
and may you always be the conductor 
on this cardiac orchestra’s throne

Daniel Suter is a cross-cultural missionary and writer based in the Middle East. He is passionate about theology, storytelling, spoken word poetry, and good espresso. Keep up with his projects via @suterstories on Instagram.